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The nine months of pregnancy are a wonderful experience for moms. Centuries ago, women did not have the privileges that we now experience. There were no checkups and babies were born at home. Today, women receive the medical care they need during the nine months they carry their baby. If you want to have a safe pregnancy, read about health check-ups before IVF at

Regular check-ups are required to ensure the health of the baby and mother until the day the baby is born. For mothers for the first time, choosing a birth doctor or just obstetrics/gynecology can be a very difficult task as this doctor will be with you for the entire nine months and for other future pregnancies.

Choice of an OB / GYN

When it comes to pregnancy examinations, it’s important to have only one reliable gynecologist. It’s easier for a doctor to monitor your progress. You can start by asking friends and family from any doctor they know. In this way, you can make sure that Obstetrics / Gynecology, which entrusts you with your pregnancy, has already worked with some of the closest people you know, and that you already have some idea of it through feedback and advice from your family and friends, how they work.

You can also try to go to the nearest hospital or the nearest gynecological clinic and ask the senior nurse from any doctor they can recommend to you. Nurses are also the best people to ask because they have seen the doctor in their best and worst form and probably refer the best person they know. General Health Check Up

General health check-up for pregnant women

Once you become familiar with your Ob / GYN, pregnancy exams become child’s play. It’s important to have regular check-ups to ensure the health of your child. You need to have your doctor check you at least once a week. And for the first time, there may be more dates for mothers.

Some women also experience high-risk pregnancies and need to discuss more appointments with their doctor. Physicians usually perform physical examinations, blood tests, breast, pelvic and uterine examinations, and a Pap test. The calculation of your due date will also be carried out at your first visit to the doctor.

Other medical needs

Apart from the medical needs associated with pregnancy, women also need to be housed in clinics, hospitals, and even cosmetic surgery. This is usually not for beauty reasons, but also for health reasons. A range of treatments would include breast examinations, vaginal rejuvenation, various vaccinations, and regular physical examinations to avoid future health problems.


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