A widowmaker heart attack involves an acute blood clotting condition which blocks the flow of oxygen-carrying blood thus causing cardiogenic shock. At the point when specialists utilize the expression “widowmaker” to allude to a heart assault, they ordinarily aren’t discussing harm caused by inward smoke breath. Despite the fact that it is anything but a specialized term, it ordinarily infers a blockage of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery which is the biggest of the three supply arteries giving blood to the heart, additionally now and then called the widowmaker artery.
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This is such a bad condition that the patient who has been affected by widowmaker heart attack has to be treated within the 30 minutes of reaching the emergency room. And it depends on luck if the person is actually able to reach the hospital in such a short span of time, considering the severity of the condition. If appropriate coronary angiographic services such as angioplasty and stenting are provided, then the chances of survival are quite good. The survival rate is even higher for those not in cardiogenic shock.
But still, the survival rate from a widowmaker heart attack is quite low. The percentage is as low as 12% for the people experiencing this when being outside the hospital. If it happens inside the hospital, the survival rate increases to 25% as the proper services get administered to the person at the very moment. If the person gets fully recovered, he/she can go on with continuing normal life activities.
There is a percentage of people who are able to make full recoveries. But again, the percentage is low, and this full recovery is based on the treatment that is administered to the patient. A device that can shock the heart to continue pumping the blood and bring it to its normal rhythm can work wonders and initiate the recovery. The reviving action is done by defibrillator which instills a shock through the chest wall to the heart. But if the condition is dangerous, then the surgery has to be performed, and the doctors need to operate on the artery.