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Certain diseases (such as diabetes), disorders, personal habits (such as smoking) and medications or chemicals are known to increase the risk of coronary heart disease, especially heart attacks. These factors, which cause heart problems, are called risk factors for coronary heart disease. To avoid a heart attack, you need to be aware of the various factors which trigger coronary heart disease. These include high blood pressure, abnormal blood cholesterol levels, and smoking; These factors need to be changed or even eliminated. It is also important to follow and contact your doctor for instructions. Take medications as directed and make the recommended lifestyle changes.

Some risk factors, such as age and sex, are beyond our control, but we can change and even eliminate many other factors. A family history of heart attack is a potent risk factor, but it can be limited to some extent. For example, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking often work in the same family, but certain lifestyle and eating habits often influence this family history factor may affect a heart attack. It has been shown that many people have many risk factors. As a rule, overweight people are prone to hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes, and all of this can worsen in a sedentary lifestyle.

Emotional stress is a significant risk factor that you consider less valuable because it is not apparent as a physical process. However, this stress usually raises blood pressure, which can lead to excessive reaction or smoking due to nervous tension. Anger does not always show signs or physical effects. Young rebels, however, are prone to early heart disease, especially heart attacks.

Homocysteine is another risk factor. Abnormally high levels of homocysteine amino acids in the blood are considered an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke. Homocysteine can damage the lining of arteries and promote blood clotting.

Depression hurts the immune system, blood clotting, blood pressure, blood vessels, and heart rate. This factor may even aggravate the patient’s desire to take medicine to heart. On the contrary, seasonal fluctuations are intertwined: in the winter months, more deaths from heart disease occur, and in summer the smallest amount occurs.

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