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There is a lot to cover when it comes to dental post and core problems. Dental restoration requires a lot of support from the existing teeth tissue to be able to support the conventions crown. Dental post and core problem has been reported from different restoration processes although not very common.

Dental post and core deal with dental restoration that is done on the dental structure where there is inadequate tooth tissue. Working with professional during the procedure is important since they are able to examine the underlying condition and determine on the restoration process. This condition requires more technique and experience to make the teeth restoration process successful. If you need quality dental services, you can ask the dentists from Good Choice Dental in Burwood today.

What are the dental post and core problems?

When the available existing sound tissues on the tooth or dental structure are inadequate and can’t perfectly support the dental crown, the patient must be taken through the right procedure for safety and to make sure the core crown is perfect. The dental condition requires a post cemented root canal to enable the dental structure to retain and sustain the set final crown. dental post and core problem

Following the important role that post and core play in the structure, their rightful state is very important. Retaining core restoration and stress redistribution on the roots are some of the major roles played by the dental post. It works perfectly to reduce or mitigate any possible coronal fracture risk that may exist on the dental structure.

Some of the conditions that must be considered or can lead to the use of dental post and core during restoration include:
•Adequate ferrule on the structure.
•Sufficient canal length.
•Ability to retain a post.
•The anatomy of the root canal.
•Ability to restore the teeth.

When dental post and core is used, it can easily make the teeth to fracture as well as adding the perforation risk to it. It can cause the excess removal of the tooth tissue when being implemented. The ability of the post to retain a core must be monitored to determine the number of post for every teeth according to the dentist in Pennant Hills at Beyond 32 Dental clinic.

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