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The idea that the early stages of tooth decay may cause heart diseases and strokes may sound farfetched. In early stage of your child it is better to know the importance of correcting teeth alignment in Orthodontic Sydney Clinic to avoid tooth decay build to your child’s teeth. However, this is what recent studies show. Various studies have suggested that plaque-causing bacteria in the mouth may increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke. But how do the bacteria in our mouth reach our heart?

A study suggests that when we don’t practice good dental habits like regular brushing and flossing, bacteria reproduce in our mouth causing gum inflammation or gingivitis. One of the symptoms of gingivitis is bleeding gums which provide oral bacteria the entryway into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria stick to platelets which then bind together forming blood clots inside the arteries. The blood clots may stick to the walls of the arteries, blocking blood supply to the heart and brain. When blood does not flow to the heart and mind, heart attack and stroke ensue.

Another study also showed that gum disease might affect the thickness of the walls of our arteries. As the severity of the gum disease increases, the wall of the arteries becomes thicker. When the walls of the arteries thicken, there is the higher risk that the vessels will be blocked, again leading to heart attack and stroke.

All these findings stress the importance of dental health to our overall health. While gum disease might not necessarily cause heart attacks and strokes, it increases your risk of developing these conditions.

So how can you keep your mouth and maybe your heart healthy?

  • dental stuff Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride. Use proper technique to remove plaque effectively. Brush your teeth gently from top to bottom and along the gum line using a circular motion for 2 minutes. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as bacteria grows here too.
  • Floss at least once a day to remove plaque and remaining food particles stuck in between teeth and under the gum line.
  • An antimicrobial mouthwash can also help to eliminate bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride mouthwashes can also give extra protection against tooth decay.
  • Visit Emergency Dentist Perth Dr at least twice a year or every six months to get a regular exam and deep cleaning to remove any tartar build up.

Having good oral hygiene will not only protect your teeth, but it may protect your heart as well

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